Boston among likeliest cities to lead world in technology in the next few years: Report

Jay Yuan/Shutterstock
Jay Yuan/Shutterstock

Boston is the ninth likeliest city globally to become the “leading technology innovation hub outside of Silicon Valley over the next four years,” according to an annual survey of the tech industry that management consultancy KPMG conducts.




Boston is tied with Austin, Texas, for ninth place; and is behind Seoul, South Korea, at eighth. New York is No. 1 domestically and globally. New York, Austin, and Boston, in fact, are the only U.S. cities to finish in KPMG’s top 10.

The survey, conducted in December and January, hinged on questions based on the idea that there are “factors conducive to fostering innovation in or around a particular geography,” including an urban locale attractive to millennials; an established base of technology parks or accelerators; a history of successful startups; and the presence of at least one research university.

Boston apparently checked most of these boxes. Then again, as the KPMG survey makes clear, the city tends to score well on such questionnaires.