Calling All Superheroes | AIDS Run/Walk for Life, April 21, 2018
Calling All Superheroes!
AIDS Run/Walk for Life Will Take Place at Roger Williams Park
in Providence on Saturday, April 21
The 32nd annual event founded by AIDS Project Rhode Island will raise funds for critically needed support services provided to Rhode Islanders living with HIV/AIDS and includes a 5K run for the first time.
Providence, RI; February 1, 2018 — AIDS Project Rhode Island (APRI) is excited to announce that our annual AIDS Walk for Life event will, for the first time, also include a 5K run. The dual Run/Walk will take kick off from the Roger Williams Park Carousel on the morning of Saturday, April 21, 2018.
The theme for this year’s event is “It Takes a Team of Heroes to Get to Zero” and encourages participants to dress as their favorite superhero (or make one of their own!). Together, runners and walkers will be part of a heroic team pushing for an end to AIDS and getting new HIV infections to zero in Rhode Island. APRI will also be offering free HIV testing the day of the event and other community-based organizations will be part of the day’s activities.
“As our largest fundraising event, the Run/Walk for Life ensures we can continue to provide care to the thousands of individuals living with and affected by HIV and AIDS in Rhode Island,” APRI Executive Director Stephen Hourahan says. “Public support for the event goes so far in helping us expand our HIV testing efforts, provide comprehensive support services to those living with HIV, and fighting the stigma and discrimination these people still face every day.”
More than 2,700 people are currently living with HIV/AIDS in Rhode Island, and new HIV infections in the state actually rose slightly in 2017 from 2016. HIV continues to disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities, particularly young Latino and African-American gay and bisexual men and women of color. On a brighter note, we know we have the tools to make “getting to zero” a reality. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently endorsed the “Undetectable = Untransmittable” campaign, which states that a person with HIV who is on medication and achieves an undetectable viral level cannot pass the virus to a partner. In addition, tools such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) are up to 99% effective in preventing HIV transmission in HIV-negative individuals.
AIDS Run/Walk for Life Event Details:
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Roger Williams Park Carousel Village
8 a.m.: Registration opens
9 a.m.: Speaking program begins
The 5K run will start immediately after the speaking program, with the walk following.
We will award prizes for top runners, top fundraisers, as well as best superhero costumes.*
*Some details are subject to change. APRI will release additional information as it is finalized.
About AIDS Project Rhode Island
APRI is dedicated to providing a compassionate, nonjudgmental, and collaborative response to the needs of people living with, affected by, and at risk for acquiring HIV. APRI currently provides the largest number of support services in the state for individuals living with HIV/AIDS, as well as comprehensive prevention and testing services. APRI is a division of Family Service of Rhode Island. For more information, please visit
APRI provides free, anonymous walk-in testing for HIV and other STIs at 9 Pleasant St. in Providence. Hours are Monday10 a.m.-1 p.m., Tuesday4-6 p.m., Thursday4-6 p.m., and Friday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Testing can also be done by appointment. Please call (401) 831-5522 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
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