NiLPnote: In the article below, political scientist Pedro Caban provides a useful overview of the forces that have propelled a perpetual churning of Puerto Rico’s colonially commodified...
A Discussion on Racism Within the Hispanic and Latino Community By Gershon Harrell (February 23, 2018) KENT, OHIO — “Basically, we want to mainly get the conversation...
Inside story: R.I. Latino advocate in the thick of immigration debate By G. Wayne Miller Providence Journal (February 16, 2018) To listen to the interview on In the Newsroom, click here I knew from...
Census: Latinos are 12% of US Same-Sex Couple Households The NiLP Report (February 16, 2018) According to the latest report on the same-sex households in the United States, Latinos represent 12.5...
Latino Voices Study: Latinos More Likely To Favor Strict Gun Control Huffington Post (April 26, 2012) Latinos are more likely than both whites and African Americans to favor strict gun control laws,...
NiLPnote: I usually agree with Raul Reyes’ insightful commentary but this time I think his insightfulness is a bit off the mark. As we have documented through our NiLP Leadership...
Hispanic or Latinx? The key is to treat others with respect By Esther J. Cepeda Pantagraph (February 18, 2018) The student newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin recently asked its readers to...
200 Metro Center Blvd., Suite 2, Warwick, R.I. | 401.272.3367 | It’s Tax Season! Checking the box helps build a stronger, more united Democratic Party. It...
NiLP Guest Commentary The Case Against Non-Sexist Spanish By José A. Cobas The NiLP Report (February 15, 2018) I was a university professor in the United States for thirty-six years and in the course...
NiLPnote: Word spread widely in the Latino community yesterday that the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce board had stripped its controversial President, Javier Palomarez, from office. As the...
It’s Tax Season! Checking the box helps build a stronger, more united Democratic Party. It does NOT affect your return. Follow these simple steps to contribute $2.00 to your State Party: 1....
2nd grader play could be criminalized by those who anoint themselves as judge and jury Providence, RI — The legislative onslaught by progressive-Democrats continues, this time using school...
The Mexican-American War and the Beginning of Mexica-American Hostory CONTENS * “Mexican-American history’s beginning” By Elaine Ayala, San Antonio Express-News (February 2, 2018) *...
Justice Department Drops Corruption Case Against Menendez Decision comes just weeks after DOJ announced it would retry the New Jersey Democrat By Roll Call Staff Roll Call (January 31, 2018) 12:16...
NiLP Latino Leadership Survey Latino Leaders on Trump’s First State of the Union Address By Angelo Falcón The NiLP Report (February 5, 2018) As part of the nonpartisan National Institute for...
RAIMONDO’S DESPERATE MONEY GAMES Warwick, RI – According to recent news reports, Governor Gina Raimondo’s campaign has entered into a secret agreement with the Providence Democratic...
Opinion: Why 2020 Census Should Not Ask About Citizenship By Luis A. Alejo The Mercury News (January 26, 2018) In December, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to U.S. Census Bureau Director...
Weekend Edition Sunday Former Mexican President To Trump: ‘If You Want To Build A Wall, Waste Your Money’ By Lulu Garcia-Navarro NPR (January 28, 2018) To listen to the interview, click...
Sign up for a Caucus! In the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election, the Rhode Island Democratic Party is making a concerted effort to build up the bench. Lend your talents to a great cause: be...
NiLPnote: NALEO’s latest annual directory of Latino elected officials that counts a record 6,600 in total. But what percentage of total elected officials is this? NiLP calculates that while...