Councilwoman Darma V. Diaz Responds to Support Attacked Sanitation Workers

Councilwoman Darma V. Diaz Responds to Support Attacked Sanitation Workers
Today Councilwoman Darma Diaz is joining community leaders throughout Brooklyn in solidarity to voice her support for the Department of Sanitation workers who were attacked while on duty early Wednesday morning in East New York, Brooklyn.
Police say two sanitation workers in uniform were collecting garbage along their route when 3 men got out of a red Chrysler 300 and attacked them. One of the sanitation workers were attacked from behind with a golf club and another man attacked with a baseball bat. A 3rd man pulled out a knife and stole a phone from the sanitation workers.
Although workers were not seriously physically hurt there could be emotional trauma lingering from being attacked so viciously while on the job. “It’s important that we protect our sanitation workers and all front line and public sector workers while in the job. It is our responsibility as a society. Attacks like this are vicious and unnecessary”, says Councilwoman Diaz.
As result. community leaders will be organizing today to speak against violence in communities and bring people to justice who committed this vicious attack. “It is important that we organize community leaders to stand up against violence and bring people to justice when necessary. Violent actions like this cannot be condoned we need to protect people,” said Councilwoman Diaz. Councilwoman Diaz will join community leaders at 12:30pm today outside the 75th Precinct on Sutter Avenue.