
“Horror Show” – Wall Street Journal Calls Out Providence Schools

Wall Street Journal Calls Out Providence Schools


By now, you must have heard about the scathing Wall Street Journal editorial on the Providence school system. They didn’t hold back, and it is right in line with what our Center has been saying for years. It is a total embarrassment for teachers who truly care about educating kids!
The WSJ put blame on the powerful teachers unions as a key reason why students are not receiving the education they deserve.
The broken collective-bargaining process that controls the schools in our state – and unions that only care about money and power, not the well-being of our students –must be exposed.
Union bosses don’t want public employees, especially teachers, to know about their newly restored rights … because some workers may choose to leave the broken union system.
Last June, the Supreme Court’s landmark Janus ruling means union leaders can no longer automatically plunder the pocketbooks of public employees to fund the far-left union political agenda. And, it our job to educate union members about their rights.

Last August, our Center launched its campaign to educate public servants about their restored First Amendment right to leave their union. But union leaders, along with their crony-friends in government, want to keep employees in the dark – and in their unions – at any cost.
Our Center just completed our first mailer to government workers. Overall, our campaign has had tremendous success in its first year, by some estimates we may have already costs Rhode Island Unions nearly $250,000 in dues.
You can make a difference! For every $50 you give, we can send a mailer to about 60 government employees with real information about their rights…with maybe 10-15 of such workers choosing to keep the $750 a yearr or so in dues for their own families… meaning union bosses will have about $750 less to to spend on their progressive-left political agenda.

Please go to our donation page – – now to make a tax deductible donation. Thank you for your generous support.

In Liberty,
Mike Stenhouse, CEO