
Preventing Insect Bites


June 9, 2021

boy with drawing of mosquitoes

Preventing Insect Bites

Spending more time outside can increase your risk of getting an insect bite. The safest insect repellent is to wear proper clothing. Even with proper clothing, if you’re in an area with many insects, you may need to use a repellent — one that contains DEET or picaridin. Learn more about using insect repellents safely and how to prevent bites.

Trying to Learn a New Skill? Take a Break

Are you trying to learn a new song on the piano or memorize your new PIN number? In a recent study, researchers mapped out the brain activity that flows when we learn a new skill. They discovered why taking short breaks from practice is a key to learning.

How Do I Know if My Blood Pressure is High?

About 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure, or hypertension, and they don’t know it. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, yet it can lead to life-threatening conditions like heart attack or stroke. The good news is that early diagnosis and healthy lifestyle changes can lower your risk of high blood pressure. Learn how to understand your blood pressure readings.

Breast Changes

Most women experience breast changes at some time. Your age, hormone levels, and medicines you take may cause lumps, bumps, and discharges. If you have a breast lump, pain, discharge, or skin irritation, see your health care provider. Minor and serious breast problems have similar symptoms. Although many women fear cancer, most breast problems are not cancer.

Do You Know How to Help Someone Who is Choking?

Choking is when someone is having a very hard time breathing or cannot breathe because food, a toy, or other object is blocking the throat or windpipe (airway). Learn what to do for a baby under 1 year or an adult or child over 1 year who is choking.

Greens with Carrots

Try this Greens with Carrots recipe with collards, bok choy, kale, mustard, or any other greens.