Central Falls Raising Flag honoring the Dominican Republic Independence Day

Central Falls Raising Flag honoring the Dominican Republic Independence Day


*Media advisory has been corrected to show February 23rd date.

CENTRAL FALLS – On Friday, February 23rd, please join the City of Central Falls and Councilman Franklin Solano a Dominican Republic flag raising ceremony at Central Falls City Hall for the Dominican Independence. The program will include various community members and performers. The flag raising will be followed by light refreshments. All are welcome!

WHO:             Mayor James A. Diossa

                        Councilman Franklin Solano

                        Hugo Adames

                        Senator Ana Quezada

                        State Representative Grace Diaz

                        Council President Bob Ferri

                        Councilwoman Maria Rivera

                        Central Falls Police Chief James Mendonca

                        Members of the Community

WHAT:           Dominican Republic Flag Raising

WHERE:        580 Broad Street

WHEN:           February 23, 2018 at 12pm

***Coverage Invited/Availability***