providence city council

Committee Votes to Prohibit Development of New Gas Stations in Providence

Providence is set to become the first East Coast city to ban the construction of new gas stations

Providence, RI – At tonight’s public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan, the Committee on Ordinances approved a historic amendment to prohibit the construction of any new gas stations within city limits. This amendment alters language in the Mobility Chapter under Objective M5, replacing “discourage” with “prohibit.” While other cities have enacted similar prohibitions, Providence would be the first city on the East Coast to do so. With this amendment, Providence can model what proactive municipal climate policy looks like.


This amendment, introduced by Senior Deputy Majority Leader John Goncalves (Ward 1), is part of large slate of amendments announced earlier today by City Council leadership.


As Providence moves towards expanded use of hybrid and electric vehicles and improved public transit in the next decade, new gas stations would run contrary to the city’s climate goals. Providence and surrounding towns have abundant gas stations, and this prohibition will ensure that available lots will be put to more sustainable use, such as for housing or green energy infrastructure like charging stations.

“We face an unprecedented climate crisis” said Senior Deputy Majority Leader John Goncalves (Ward 1). “This is an issue where we can – and must – take bold action. Providence can lead the way in reducing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner, greener energy alternatives. With this step, Providence can lead in a big way, modeling for cities across the region how to reduce carbon emissions and prioritize the expansion of green infrastructure. While advancing sustainable energy alternatives, existing stations will continue to serve the community, remaining a valuable resource, as we also move toward gradually shifting to the energy of the future.”

The prohibition on new gas stations will be enacted through a subsequent Zoning Ordinance upon the amended Comprehensive Plan’s full Council approval.

On Wednesday, October 16, at 5:30pm, Council Committee on Ordinances will hold what is expected to be the final public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. At this hearing, councilors will formally introduce the full package of amendments. Press and the public are invited to attend, with community members invited to share additional feedback.