
Latino Statistical Disobedience Against the Census?

NiLP Commentary
Latino Statistical Disobedience?
Countering the Addition of the
Citizenship Question in the 2020 Census
By Angelo Falcón
The NiLP Report (April 4, 2018)
When the Census Bureau presented the questions for the 2020 Census last week to the US Congress including the citizenship question, it generated a majorcontroversy. Understanding the seriouseffects this would have on literally excluding Latino and others from the Census, the reaction has beenwidespread condemnation of this act. More than 20 states and civic groups are suing the Trump Administration, andDemocratic Members of Congress are sponsoring legislation to stop its addition.
However, it these legal and legislative efforts fail and the citizenship question is added to the 2020 Census, there are alternative ways that the affected communities and their allies can counter this clearly racist and political partisan move by the Trump Administration can be countered.
We need to recognize that although participation in the decennial Census is mandatory by law, the process of basically a thoroughly subjective one. There is really no way that the Census Bureau can verify the correctness of your responses. For example, if you are 55 years of age but tell the Census you are actually 39, there is really nothing they can do. If you decide to skip a question, they can make up or “impute” a value to it, but that depends on how reliable the Census is overall based on how others fill out that question.
This nature of the Census, therefore, allows for community-based responses to undermine the cynical use of the citizenship question, but only if there are the result of major national campaigns to do so.
The three options we see to counter the use of this citizenship question in 2020 are:
  • Boycott Entire 2020 Census. The citizenship question is added,and
    most undercounted persons and their families decide to boycott the 2020 Census, rendering it the most unreliable count in history. This would include not responding to enumerators visiting homes. The result would be a Census so inaccurate it is useless for reapportionment and other purposes.
  • Boycott Only the Citizenship Question. If the citizenship question is added and there is a national campaign to participate in the 2020 Census but not answer that particular question, rendering it useless while not affecting the participation rate for the overall Census.
  • Lie on the Census. If the question is added, mounting a campaign to have everyone, undocumented or not, check off that they are not citizens in the citizenship question. This would also make the question unusable.
 It is a shame that we may have to be reduced to implementing these options, but this form of statistical disobedience is justified in response to this outrageous Trump Reign of Immigration Terror.