oficina office general treasurer

Magaziner Statement on Urgent Need to Pass Gun Safety Legislation

Magaziner Statement on Urgent Need to Pass Gun Safety Legislation
Providence, RI — This afternoon, Treasurer Magaziner testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee in favor of four pieces of common-sense gun safety legislation that were introduced at the request of his Office and other state leaders. The Treasurer released the following statement regarding the legislation:
“As a former public school teacher, I know the dread that parents and teachers feel every time news of a another mass shooting is reported. We must take common sense action to protect Rhode Island students and minimize the chances of a mass shooting happening here in Rhode Island.
“In the absence of leadership at the federal level, we must step up at the state level to take concrete, tangible action to keep Rhode Islanders safe. I encourage our state leaders to do what’s right for Rhode Island families and swiftly pass these bills into law.”
Treasurer Magaziner has long been an outspoken advocate for common-sense gun reform legislation, testifying in favor of similar legislation every year he has been in office. Last year, the Treasurer announced that under his leadership the state pension system will no longer invest in companies that make assault weapons for civilian use.
Video of the Treasurer’s testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee can be found here.