
Sneak Peak

Coming Soon: The 2019 Freedom Index


Today, I am going to give you a sneak peak of a major project our Center has been working on. Very soon, we will once again be releasing a new version of our Freedom Index. Be on the lookout!
After one of the worst sessions in recent memory, how will your General Assembly delegation rank?

The Freedom Index examines legislators’ votes in terms of their likely effect on the free market, the size and scope of government, the balance of residents’ interests against those of public employees and beneficiaries, and the constitutional structure of a divided government with limited power over the people whom it represents.

2012-2016 data moving Rhode Island in the wrong direction
Once again in 2019, RI lawmakers significantly encroached upon the freedoms of its citizens. 
The Senate, collectively, was the biggest violator of economic, individual, and constitutional liberties with a dismal average score of (-47.98) while the House score of (-36.34) was almost as bad in 2019. Individually, only 12 lawmakers scored above zero (all Republicans).
As a result of the failed status quo of increased government intervention in our personal and business lives, the Ocean State ranks so poorly in so many national rankings. It will be up to voters to review this data and decide whether or not to hold lawmakers accountable for their voting records this November.
In Liberty,
Mike Stenhouse