
Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween



Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) are reminding Rhode Islanders about safety precautions they should take tomorrow if they will be celebrating Halloween.

Be Careful when Trick or Treating

  • Use sidewalks instead of walking in the street.
  • Carry a flashlight to help yourself see and be seen.
  • Remind children that they should never enter homes or apartments unless accompanied by an adult.
  • Be aware of obstacles on lawns, steps, and porches, especially candle-lit jack-o-lanterns that may brush against a child’s costume.
  • Consider using face paint instead of a mask. This can help children see better and avoid dangerous objects such as cars and tripping hazards.

Be a Responsible Driver

  • Drive slowly in residential neighborhoods.
  • Watch for trick-or-treaters at intersections, medians, and on curbs.
  • Enter and exit driveways carefully.

Continue to take measures to prevent mosquito bites

This has been a higher-than-average risk year for mosquito-borne diseases, including Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), in southeastern New England. Rhode Island is still considered to be in mosquito season until the first hard frost of the year, which all of Rhode Island has not had yet. (A hard frost is when temperatures are below 32 degrees for three consecutive hours.) For that reason, Rhode Islanders who will be outdoors on Halloween should continue to take mosquito bite prevention measures. Those include:

  • Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Using EPA-approved bug spray with at least 20% DEET. (Information on bug repellant with other types of active ingredients that are also effective is available here.) People should not use bug spray with DEET on infants under two months of age. Children should be careful not to rub their eyes after bug spray has been applied on their skin.
  • Putting mosquito netting over baby carriages.

Visit for additional mosquito prevention tips.