
White House Releases National Security Strategy

Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island


ASPR Year in Review 2017

This year, ASPR has protected the nation’s health in the face of disasters like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and more. Learn about some of the ways that ASPR protected America from 21st century health threats. View the infographic >>

Cover of the ASPR Year in Review 2017

What Happens Next? Working together to Identify and Address Public Health and Social Services Needs after Hurricane Harvey

How can communities be better prepared for the next large-scale public health event? A new approach, first implemented in Texas, helps state and local officials better understand the impact Hurricane Harvey had on health and social services, identifies available recovery resources, and outlines long-term recovery actions.Learn more >>

doctor and businessman collaboration concept

White House Releases National Security Strategy

The White House released its National Security Strategy, which centers on four vital national interests: protect the homeland, the American people, and the American way of life; promote American prosperity; preserve peace through strength; and advance American influence. Learn more >>

Cover of the White House National Security Strategy - December 2017

Complying With the Emergency Preparedness Rule: New Resources Make it Easier

New resources from ASPR TRACIE make it easier for providers to find information about complying with the core elements of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) Emergency Preparedness Rule, including resource emergency plans, policies and procedures, communication plans, and training and testing. Learn more >>

First Responders

Moving Patients During Disasters? A New Fact Sheet Offers Guidance

When local patient movement services are overwhelmed during disasters, HHS Service Action Teams (SATs) can help with patient movement. Learn more about SATs in this new factsheet from ASPR TRACIE. View the fact sheet >>

Patient Movement Diagram